Northrop Grumman Approved Special Processors Listings - Supplier Report
Arrowhead Products Corporation: 90024474 - Independent Processor - NADCAP Approved
4411 Katella Ave
Los Alamitos, CA 90720 United States
Phone: (714) 822-2514    Fax: (714) 220-6482
Selected sector: AS

Specification ProcessDescription Category SpecLimits
AMS 2801 Heat Treatment of Titanium Alloy Parts Heat Treat Limits: None
AMS-W-6858 Welding, Resistance: Spot and Seam Welding Limits: Superceded by AWS D17.2
ASTM E1417 Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing Non-Destructive Testing Limits: None
ASTM E1742 Standard Practice for Radiographic Examination Non-Destructive Testing Limits: None
AWS D17.1 Fusion Welding for Aerospace Applications Welding Limits: GTAW Only. P/N 2CTH36032-0003 approved for AWS D17.1 per RCI BR405841
AWS D17.2 Resistance Welding for Aerospace Applications Welding Limits: None
GSS 6203 Fusion Welding of Steels, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steels and Nickel Welding Limits: GTAW Only
LMA-PC201 Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection of Metallic Parts & Materials Non-Destructive Testing Limits: Limited to normal control – non critical parts only
LMA-PG001 Etch/Cleaning Prior to Penetrant Inspection Chemical Processing Limits: Limited to localized etching per RCI 442395