Northrop Grumman Approved Special Processors Listings - Supplier Report
Ultimate Hydroforming Inc.: 90076818 - Independent Processor - NADCAP Approved
42450 Yeargo Drive Plant 6
Sterling Heights, MI 48314 United States
Phone: (586) 254-2300 ext. 1125    Fax:
Selected sector: AS

Specification ProcessDescription Category SpecLimits
ACS-PRS-7005 Penetrant Inspection Non-Destructive Testing Limits: Limited to Type 1, Methos A Form D only. Excludes Appendix A & B and Pre-Penetrant etch
ASTM E1417 Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing Non-Destructive Testing Limits: Limited to Type 1, Methos A Form D only. Excludes Pre-Penetrant etch