Specification | ProcessDescription | Category | SpecLimits |
ASTM E1417 | Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing | Non-Destructive Testing | Limits: Type 1, Method A only. |
ASTM E2698 | Standard Practice for Radiographic Examination using Digital Detector Arrays | Non-Destructive Testing | Limits: Radiographic Examination using Digital Detector Arrays only |
IT-55 | Nondestructive Testing of Nonpremium Quality Castings | Non-Destructive Testing | Limits: Reference RCI RB453441 rev – RCI RB 456278 & RB 456279 for DDA Radiography |
MIL-M-6857 | Magnesium Alloy Castings, Heat Treatment of | Heat Treat | Limits: Air & Water quench only |